Class Note:
Review Quiz:
(Click “Learn” and change the settings to “Answer with Term” and “Multiple Choice”)
[List of 20 한자성어]
- 1. 일석이조 (killing two birds with one stone) = 일거양득 (gaining two with a lift)
2. 십중팔구 (mostly)
3. 다다익선 (the more the better) <> 과유불급(too much is as bad as too little)
4. 다재다능 (talented)
5. 전무후무 (unprecedented, unparalleled)
6. 역지사지 (putting yourself in someone else’s shoes)
7. 타산지석 (taking other’s failure/fault as a good lesson)
8. 자수성가 (making one’s own fortune, self-made)
9. 선남선녀 (good looking men and women)
천생연분 a match made in heaven / soulmate)
10. 흥청망청 (lavishy, extravagantly [spending money, partying])
개과천선 (to become a changed man)
11. 우문현답 (a wise answer to a silly question)
12. 현모양처 (a good mom and a good wife)
13. 학수고대 (looking forward, waiting desperately/ardently for)
14. 설상가상 (to make matters worse)
15. 금상첨화 (icing on the cake)
16. 박장대소 (applause mingled with laughter, laughing out loud)