Beginner3> Quiz2


Verb-아/어주다/보다, Adj-아/어보이다, -ㄴ/은 적이 있다/없다

1 / 14

1. What is the most appropriate way to ask “Please call me soon.”

2 / 14

2. Which one is NOT the correct way to say, “Have you ever tried this?”

3 / 14

3. What’s the word for “to lend?”

4 / 14

4. What is NOT the correct way to say “I have never been to Korea?”

5 / 14

5. Have you ever lived in Seoul? = 서울에 ____본 적 있어요?

6 / 14

6. What is the correct way to say, “Please show me”

7 / 14


Fill in the blank with the correct form of “깨끗하다.”
I cleaned the room, so now it looks clean. = 청소를 해서 이제 방이 ______보여요.

8 / 14

8. -아/어 보이다 can be combined with verbs.

9 / 14

9. What is one unnatural sentence?

10 / 14

10. Please don’t talk in class. = 수업 시간에 떠들지 ____주세요.

11 / 14


What is NOT the correct one in the blank?
I’ve never made Korean food before. = 한국 음식을 ____ 적이 없어요.

12 / 14


Which one is most natural in the blank?
Can you hear me out, please? = 내 얘기 좀 ____줄 수 있어?

13 / 14

13. Which one is a more natural way of saying, “I have watched that movie before.”

14 / 14

14. Which one is grammatically incorrect?

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