Korean Vocab Quiz #1

Question 1: 

방이 너무 덥고 답답해서 창문을 열어야겠어요. – It’s hot and stuffy in the room, so I should open / I had better open the window.

: room

덥다: to be hot 

답답하다: to be stuffy

시원하다: 1) to be cool (weather, atmosphere) or 2) to feel lighthearted, to feel carefree

아쉽다: to be sad (that something is over; wish that something would last more)

슬프다: to be sad

깨끗하다: to be clean (adjective)

엄마 차는 깨끗해요. – My mom’s car is clean.

Verb + 그래서 = Verb + 아/어서

Verb 아/어 + 야겠다 (= Verb아/어 + 야 되겠다): should Verb (or I’d better verb, I guess I should Verb) 

Verb 아/어 야 되다/하다: to have to Verb

*sounds heavier than ~야겠다, ~아/어 야 되다/하다 is more like duty or something you have to do because you are obliged.


Question 2: 

청소하다: to clean (verb)

방을 청소해야 돼요. – I have to clean the room.

공기를 마시다: to breathe in the air

쉬다: 1) to rest or 2) when used with 숨을 it means “to breathe”.

숨을 쉬다: to breathe

환기하다: to air out, to ventilate

교환: exchange

교환하다: to exchange

교환 학생: exchange student

환불하다: to refund

공기: air


Question 3:

냄새: smell

냄새가 나다: to smell

냄새가 안 좋다: to smell bad (= 안 좋은 냄새가 나다: to smell bad)

심하다: 1) to be harsh 2) to be extreme

냄새가 심하다: to smell extremely bad

안 좋은 냄새 sounds better than 나쁜 냄새 to mean something stinks or smells bad. 

냄새가 심해서 환기를 해야겠어요. – It smells so bad that I need to ventilate it.

*grammatically correct, but 환기를 시키다 is often used by Koreans.

냄새가 나니까 환기를 시켜야겠어요. – It smells bad, so I should air it out. 

심한 말 하지 마세요. – Do not speak harshly.


Question 4:

바닥에 먼지가 많아서 청소기를 돌려야겠어요. – There’s a lot of dust on the floor, so I have to vacuum.

바닥: floor

먼지: dust

Noun 이/가 많다: to be a lot of Noun

청소: cleaning

청소기: cleaning machine (= vacuum cleaner) which is also 진공청소기.

기: machine, device

세탁기: laundry machine 

세수하다: to wash one’s face

선풍기: electric fan

식기 세척기: dishwasher

돌다: for sth/sb to spin/turn

팽이가 돌고 있어요. – A top is spinning.

뒤로 돌아요. – Turn backward (= Turn around).

돌리다: to spin/turn sth 

*always used with 을/를 particles

고개를 돌리지 마세요. 저를 똑바로 보세요. – Don’t turn your head. Look at me straight.

핸들을 왼쪽으로 돌려요. – Turn the steering wheel left.

기계: machine

(기계를) 돌리다: to run a machine, to make it operate

청소기를 돌리다: to vacuum

세탁기를 돌리다: to do laundry


Question 5:

에어컨을 틀지 마세요. – Don’t turn on the air conditioner.

에어컨을 켜다/틀다: to turn on the air conditioner

TV를 켜다/틀다: to turn on TV

Noun을/를 끄다: to turn sth off

작동하다: to function

에어컨이 작동해요. – The air conditioner works (functions).

Or you can say, 에어컨이 돼요.


Question 6:

바닥을 닦다: to wipe the floor

문지르다: to rub, to scrub

씻다: 1) to wash (one’s hands, body, dishes, objects) 2) to take a shower

옷을 빨다: to wash clothes 

바닥을 쓸다: to sweep the floor

바닥을 닦다: to mop/wipe the floor

걸레 / 대걸레: a mop

빗자루: broomstick

걸레로 바닥을 닦았어요. – I wiped the floor using a mop.


Question 7:

옷을 빨다: to wash clothes (= 옷을 세탁하다)

옷을 빨래하다 is wrong (X)

빨래하다: to do laundry (= 빨래를 하다)

옷을 걸다: to hang clothes

옷걸이: hanger

수건: towel

마르다: 1) to be dry (adjective) 2) for sth to get dry (verb) *이/가

말리다: to dry sth (verb) **을/를

마른 수건: a dry towel (= 말린 수건)

제 옷이 마르고 있어요. – My clothes are getting dry. (= 옷을 말리고 있어요 – I’m drying my clothes).

내일까지 바지를 말려야 돼요. – I have to dry my pants by tomorrow.


Question 8:

빨래를 했는데 아직 말리지 않았어요. – I washed my clothes, but I haven’t tried them yet.

Verb Stem ~진 않다: not necessarily Verb

옷을 빨았는데 아직 말리진 않았어. – I washed my clothes, but as for drying them, I didn’t do it yet.

저는 공부를 잘 하는데 공부를 좋아하진 않아요. – I’m good at studying, but I don’t necessarily like it.

건조하다: 1) to be dry (for weather/skin) 2) to dry something

마르다: 1) to be dry (for an object) 

건조기: drier / clothes line

옷을 세탁했지만 아직 안 널었어요. – I washed my clothes, but I haven’t tried them yet.

나는 옷을 빨았지만 아직 (옷이) 마르지 않았어요. – I wash my clothes, but the clothes aren’t dry yet.

*notice, that 마르다 means “to be dry”, but when used to mean that something is dry in the present tense, it had to be conjugated to the past tense – 말랐어요.

Another common word that works the same way is:

잘생기다: to be handsome

저 사람은 잘생겨요. (X)

저 사람은 잘 생겼어요. – That person is handsome.


Question 9:

집안일: household chores (집: house 안: inside 일: work/chores)

심부름: errand

심부름을 하다: to run an errand

심부름을 시키다: to have someone do an errand

Sth 을/를 시키다: to order (food, items, etc) 

(Person 한테) Sth 을/를 시키다: to have someone do sth

설겆이 (X) *used to be the right spelling, but not anymore

설거지: dish washing

노동: labor

막노동: hard labor

노동자 (근로자): laborer / working people/worker


Question 10:

엄마가 저한테 심부름을 시켰어요. – My mom had me run errands.

설거지를 시키다: to have sb do dishes

아빠가 저한테 설거지를 시켜서 지금 나가지 못해요 / 못 나가 / 나 갈 수 없어. – My dad has me to do the dishes, so I can’t go out right now.

나가다: to go out

외출하다: to go outside

아빠가 저한테 설거지를 시켜서 지금 외출을 못 해요.

*When a verb is constructed as Noun+하다, you put 안/못 between a noun and 하다.

아빠가 설거지를 하라고 해서 지금 밖에 나갈 수 없어요. – My dad said to do the dishes, so I can’t go outside now.

설거지를 하다: to do the dishes

설거지를 하라고 하다: to tell sb to do the dishes (=설거지를 시키다)

Verb ~(으)라고 하다: to tell sb to Verb (command, suggestion)