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Lesson 9. Formal Sentence Ending: -ㅂ/습니다 (e.g. 입니다, 합니다, 했습니다, 아닙니다)

Time Stamp of the video
01:25 Introduction
02:39 When is -ㅂ/습니다 ending used?
05:55 Present Tense
15:38 Irregular Verb (ㄹ ending stem)
21:30 Past Tense
31:45 Future Tense
39:53 TOPIK (test) Reading Passages (Download File)

/습니다 ending

A. Levels of Formality in Korean Language:

반말 (informal)



-요, -ㅂ/습니다

B. Difference between ‘-요’ and ‘-ㅂ/습니다’ ending:

  • The -요 ending has a lower level of formality compared to the -ㅂ/습니다 ending i.e., it sounds more casual than -ㅂ/습니다
  • -ㅂ/습니다 ending is used mostly in professional settings like in meetings while reporting to your superior, when giving public speeches, while writing emails or articles or comments where the speaker does not want to sound too casual.

C. -ㅂ/습니다 in Present Tense: Verb/Adj Stem + –/습니다

When a Verb/Adj Stem does not end in a 받침, -ㅂ니다 is added and when it does end in a 받침, -습니다 is added.

Ex. 하다 (to do) = 합니다

저는 한국어를 공부합니다 = I study Korean.

Ex. 이다 (to be) = 입니다

저는 학생입니다 = I am a student.

Ex. 먹다 (to eat) = 먹습니다

저는 너무 많이 먹습니다 = I eat too much.

Ex. 주다 (to give) = 줍니다

저는 지수한테 책을 줍니다 = I give Jisoo a book.

Ex. 읽다 (to read) = 읽습니다

저는 책을 안 읽습니다 = I don’t read books.

Ex. 듣다 (to listen) = 듣습니다

저는 지금 음아을 듣습니다 = I am listening to music right now.

Ex. 좋다 (to be good) = 좋습니다

A: 내일 등산 갈래요? = Do you want to go hiking tomorrow?

B: 네, 좋습니다 = Yes, (that’s) good!

Ex. 크다 (to be big) = 큽니다

저희 집은 큽니다 = My house is big.

Ex. 좋아하다 (to like) = 좋아합니다

제가 한국 문화를 좋아합니다 = I like Korean culture.

*Irregular Verb ‘-ㄹ 받침 stem‘ : Delete ㄹ 받침 from the stem and add -ㅂ니다

알다 (to know) = 압니다

Ex. 저는 그 단어를 이미 압니다 = I already know that word.

길다 (to be long) = 깁니다

Ex. 제 머리는 깁니다 = My hair is long.

만들다 (to make) = 만듭니다

Ex. 저희 엄마는 주말에 파스타를 만듭니다 = My mom makes pasta on weekends.

멀다 (to be far) = 멉니다

Ex. 학교가 집에서 멉니다 = The school is far from the house.


D. -ㅂ/습니다 ending in Past Tense : Verb/Adj Stem+았/었 + 습니다

Ex. 하다 (to do) = 했습니다

저는 어제 열심히 일했습니다 = I worked hard yesterday.


Ex. 이다 (to be) = (이었/였)습니다

저는 작년까지 선생님이었습니다 = I was a teacher until last year.
저는 작년까지 교사였습니다 = I was a teacher until last year.


Ex. 주다 (to give) = 줬습니다

저는 엄마한테 열쇠를 줬습니다 = I gave mom the key.


Ex. 먹다 (to eat) = 먹었습니다

(저는) 잘 먹었습니다! = I ate well! (It was a good meal!)


Ex. 읽다 (to read) = 읽었습니다

저는 어제 신문을 안 읽었습니다 = I didn’t read the newspaper yesterday.


Ex. 듣다 (to listen; hear) = 들었습니다

저는 그 노래를 이미 들었습니다 = I have already heard that song.


Ex. 좋다 (to be good) = 좋았습니다

새 영화는 좋았습니다 = The new movie was good.


Ex. 크다 (to be big) = 컸습니다

제 친구의 집은 컸습니다 = My friend’s house was big.


Ex. 좋아하다 (to like) = 좋아했습니다

저는 프랑스어 수업을 좋아했습니다 = I liked French class.


E. -ㅂ/습니다 ending in Future Tense: Verb/Adj Stem+ㄹ/을 거 +ㅂ니다

Ex. 하다 (to do) = 할 겁니다

올해는 공부를 열심히 할 겁니다 = I will study hard this year.


Ex. 먹다 (to eat) = 먹을 겁니다

친구랑 같이 밥은 먹을 겁니다 = I will eat with my friend.


Ex. 주다 (to give) = 줄 겁니다

아빠에게 생일 선물을 줄 겁니다 = I will give dad his birthday present.


Ex. 읽다 (to read) = 읽을 겁니다

저는 내일 그 책을 읽을 겁니다 = I  will read that book tomorrow.


Ex. 듣다 (to listen) = 들을 겁니다

나중에 팟캐스트를 들을 겁니다 = I will listen to the podcast later.


Ex. 좋다 (to be good) = 좋을 겁니다

BTS 콘서트가 좋을 겁니다 = The BTS concert will be good.


Ex. 좋아하다 (to like) = 좋아할 겁니다

저희 엄마는 그 드라마를 좋아할 겁니다 = My mom will like that drama.