Beginner1> Quiz12


Quiz 12. Particles 하고, (이)랑, 와/과, 도, 에, 에서, (으)로

1 / 18


Choose ALL correct answers.
I want to play with my friend. = 친구__ 놀고 싶어요.

2 / 18


Choose the correct particle.
Where do you study? 어디___ 공부해요?

3 / 18

3. I’m going home. 집__ 가요.

4 / 18

4. Which one do you want to buy? 뭐__ 사고 싶어요?

5 / 18

5. I watched that movie at Jisoo’s. 지수네 집___ 그 영화를 봤어요.

6 / 18


What is the correct way to translate B’s sentence in response to A?
A : 저는 커피를 안 좋아해요.
B : I don’t like it either!

7 / 18

7. Which one is NOT the correct sentence?

8 / 18

8. Jisoo called you? She called me too! = 지수가 전화했어요? 저____ 전화했어요!

9 / 18

9. Both 에 and 에서 can be used with the verb “살다.” (e.g. 서울에 살아요, 부산에서 살아요)

10 / 18

10. I’m at a subway station.

11 / 18

11. I will go to the airport by bus. 공항에 버스__ 갈 거예요.

12 / 18

12. The taxi driver turned left. 택시 기사가 왼쪽___ 돌았어요. [돌다: to turn]

13 / 18

What is the correct translation of “하고” in the following sentence :
엄마13. 하고 옷이랑 신발을 샀어요.

14 / 18

How about “이랑?”
엄마하고 옷14. 이랑 신발을 샀어요.

15 / 18

15. I made this video using my phone. = 제 핸드폰___ 이 영상을 만들었어요.

16 / 18

16. What is NOT the correct sentence?

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Choose TWO correct particles in the blank.
I took a nap from 1pm to 3pm. = 저는 한 시 ___ 세 시까지 낮잠을 잤어요.

18 / 18

What is the correct translation of “에서” in the following sentence :
사무실18. 에서 집까지 몇 시간 걸려요?

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