Beginner1> Quiz2 3873 Quiz 2. Topic/Subject/Object Markers (은, 는, 이, 가, 을, 를) & 이다 verb 1 / 13 1. Select the 4 usages of 이/가 subject marking particles. General statements/facts, Emphasis on the general fact of the subject, Highlight the main subject in a sentence, Contrast two different facts/situations Emphasis on the subject being/doing the action, When there are follow-up sentences about the subject, When the subject is not the main subject of the sentence, Fixed expressions General statements/facts, Emphasis on the general fact of the subject, When there are follow-up sentences about the subject, Fixed expressions 2 / 13 2. What is the most natural particle in both blanks? 이 책__비싼데 저 책__ 싸요. (This book is expensive, but that book isn’t.) 은 는 이 가 은/는 is the particle that implies contrast. 책 ends in 받침 so 은 should be used, not 는 3 / 13 3. Select TWO verbs that do NOT use 이/가 particles as fixed expressions. 있다 없다 먹다 되다 좋다 싫다 필요하다 갖다 The other verbs use 이/가 instead of 은/는 or 을/를 as fixed expressions. 4 / 13 4. Select the object of the sentence: 주말에 가족들이랑 밥을 먹어요. 주말 가족 밥 5 / 13 5. Select the sentence that has an object (object as in a grammatical component.) 저는 선생님이에요. (I am a teacher.) 이모가 친절해요. (My aunt is kind.) 강아지가 있어요. (There is a dog.) 나는 널 좋아해. (I like you.) 널 = 너를 (you + object marker) 6 / 13 6. 나는 너__ 비밀번호__ 알려줄게. I will tell you the password. [비밀번호: password] 를, 를 를, 을 에게, 를 를, 한테 The direct object is the object that is directly affected by the action verb and is marked with 을/를. The indirect object is the receiver of the verb and is marked with 한테/에게 (or the honorific form 께). 7 / 13 7. 문__ 잠겼어요. The door is locked. 을 이 가 를 Passive verbs are ALWAYS followed by 이/가 particle instead of 을/를 since they describe the state of something and so will not require any object. If saying, “I locked the door”, object marking particles would then be needed since the action directly has an effect on the noun. The translation would be “문을 잠겼어요”. 8 / 13 8. In the sentence, “I don’t like flowers but I love roses – 저는 꽃을 안 좋아하는데 장미는 정말 좋아요,” why is “장미(roses)” marked with 은/는 and not 을/를? 은/는 is used to express contrast Because of a fixed expression Roses are not objects 은/는 can sometimes be used with objects instead of 을/를 to show contrast. 9 / 13 9. Fill in the blanks with the correct particle. 제 여동생은 치즈__ 많이 먹어요. (My younger sister eats cheese a lot.) Check 10 / 13 10. Select TWO sentences that are in 존댓말 (polite/formal language) I am a woman – 저는 여자예요. My favourite language is Korean – 내가 제일 좋아하는 언어는 한국말이야. My name is Minhyuk – 제 이름은 민혁이에요. This laptop is mine – 이 노트북 내 거야. 이에요/예요 are 존댓말 (formal language) forms of the 이다 verb and 이야/야 are 반말 (informal language) forms 11 / 13 11. Select the correct translation for the sentence: Yeseul used to be a vegetarian. (채식주의자: vegetarian) 예슬 씨는 채식주의자였어요. 예슬 씨는 채식주의자예요. 예슬 씨는 채식주의자일 거예요. Obviously the past tense should be used for “used to be,” because she no longer is. 12 / 13 12. The conjugated forms of 이다, 예요/이에요, can be used in places other than at the end of the sentence True False 예요/이에요 can only be used at the end of sentences. In other cases, such as when combining “이다” with the sentence connector 그래서 (so), 이다 has to be conjugated to 여. 13 / 13 13. Select the correct translation for the sentence: My parents are British. (formal) 저희 부모님은 영국인이에요. 저희 부모님은 영국인예요. 저희 부모님은 영국인을 이에요. Your score is The average score is 72% Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz ← Previous Beginner 1 Lesson List Next Lesson →