Beginner1> Quiz9


Quiz 9. Counters, 들, Age, Date, Time

1 / 18

Fill in the blank with the correct question word.
1. How many people are there? 사람이 __ 명 있어요?

2 / 18

2. What is the correct counter for books?

3 / 18

3. I raise three dogs. = 저는 강아지 __ 마리를 키워요.

4 / 18

4. What is the honorific of the counter 명?

5 / 18

5. What is the correct way to say, “5 PM?”

6 / 18

6. What is the correct translation of “It took thirty minutes”

7 / 18

7. What is the correct way to say, “June?”

8 / 18

Fill in the blank with the correct pure Korean number.
There are 8. twenty people in the room. = 방에 ___명이 있어요.

9 / 18

9. 살 means “age.”

10 / 18

10. Listen to the audio, and choose what’s INCORRECT according to what you hear.

11 / 18

11. What is the plural form of 아이(child)?

12 / 18

12. What are TWO correct ways to say, “two months?”

13 / 18

13. Choose the INCORRECT sentence.

14 / 18

14. 네 시 반 분 is a correct way to say, “4:30.”

15 / 18

15. How do you say, “11 o’clock?”

16 / 18


How many erasers do you have?
= 지우개가 ____ 있어요? (지우개: eraser)

17 / 18


Fill in the blank with the correct pure Korean number.
I am thirty years old. = 저는 ___ 살 이에요.

18 / 18

18. What is the polite way of asking someone’s age?

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The average score is 72%
