Beginner 2 > Lesson 8
Lesson 8. More Future Tense : –겠다, –ㄹ/을게요, –ㄹ/을래요
1. –겠다:
This form, when used as a Future tense form, can only be conjugated in Present Tense, and never in Past or Future! (겠었어요 or 겠을 거예요 does NOT exist.)
Following are its usages:
1) Firm Will or Determination.
In this context, the Subject can only be First-person subjects i.e., ‘I’ or ‘we’.
Ex. 이제부터 공부를 열심히 하겠어요! = From now on, I will study hard!
Ex. 올해에는 날마다 운동하겠습니다 = This year, I will work out every day.
Ex. 내일부터 술을 안 마시겠습니다 = I will not drink starting tomorrow.
Ex. 담배를 끊겠습니다 = I will quit smoking.
Ex. 앞으로 지각하지 않겠습니다 = From now on, I will not be late.
2) Conveying information that something is about to happen.
In this context, it is usually used in Formal situations.
Ex. 비행기가 곧 착륙하겠습니다 = The flight will land soon.
Ex. 방송이 곧 시작하겠습니다 = The broadcast will start soon.
3) Guessing/something must be…
Ex. 어젯밤 10시까지 일했어요? 피곤하겠어요. = Did you work until 10PM yesterday? You must be tired.
Ex. 요즘 책을 쓰고 있죠? 바쁘시겠어요 = You’re writing a book these days, right? You must be busy.
Ex. 그만 좀 하세요. 아기가 울겠어요 = Stop doing that. The baby will cry.
Ex. 너 지수의 파티에 갔었지? 재미있었*겠어! = You went to Jisoo’s party, right? It must’ve been fun!
*When 겠어 is combined with Past Tense stem of a verb, you are guessing something might have been so in the past.
4) Rhetorical question of something that is obviously not true.
Ex. – 지수 씨, 배 안 고파요? = Miss Jisoo, aren’t you hungry?
– 아까 점심을 그렇게 많이 먹었는데 배가 고프겠어요? = Just earlier I ate so much, how can I be hungry?
Ex. – 지수가 제 선물을 안 받을 까봐 걱정돼요 = I worry that Jisoo won’t accept my gift.
– 이렇게 좋은 선물을 누가 안 받겠어요? = Who wouldn’t receive such a good gift?
5) Polite way to ask, ‘Would you…?’
Ex. 주문하시겠어요? = Would you like to order?
Ex. 언제 오시겠어요? = When would you come?
Ex. 어디 가시겠어요? = Where would you like to go?
Ex. 할 수 있겠어요? = Would you be able to do it?
2. Verb-ㄹ/을게(요):
The Subject can only be First-person subjects i.e., ‘I’ or ‘we’.
Following are its usages:
1) Making a promise:
Ex. 내일 전화할게 = I’ll call you tomorrow.
Ex. 이제부터 안 그럴게 = I won’t do that from now on.
Ex. 오늘 못 끝내서 죄송해요. 내일은 꼭 끝낼게요 = I’m sorry that I couldn’t finish it today. I will finish it tomorrow for sure.
2) Informing someone what I’ll do, usually right now or in the near future, to sound considerate.
Ex. 잠시만 화장실 좀 다녀올게요. = I’ll go to the bathroom for a moment.
Ex. 지금 너무 피곤해서 좀 쉴게. 이따가 얘기하자 = I’m very tired so I’m going to rest a bit. Let’s talk a little later.
Ex. 이 문법이 이해가 안 가요? 제가 설명해드릴게요. = You don’t understand this grammar? Let me explain.
3. Verb-ㄹ/을래(요):
The subject always has to be ‘I’ or ‘We,’ and it can also be used interchangeably with the Verb-ㄹ/을 거예요 i.e., the standard future form.
Following are its usages:
1) Informing your choice/decision (casual decision):
Ex. 나는 안 갈래 = I won’t go.
Ex. 그냥 포기 할래요 = I’ll just give up.
Ex. 오늘 저녁 안 먹을래요 = I won’t eat dinner today.
Ex. 커피를 이따가 마실래요. = I will drink the coffee later.
2) Invitation/Suggestion.
Here, the Subject will be ‘You’ to mean ‘Would you like to/Do you want to (verb)?’ etc. – invitation, suggestion
Ex. 영화 볼래? = Would you like to watch a movie?
Ex. 오늘은 집에서 쉴래요? = Do you want to rest at home today?
Ex. 제가 키우는 고양이 사진 볼래요? = Would you like to see my cat’s photo?
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN –겠습니다 and –을래요 when talking about your decisions:
-겠습니다 form is used in more serious contexts and -ㄹ/을래요 form can be used while making decisions in your everyday casual situations.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN –을래요and –을게요 when informing someone about something that I will do:
-을게요 is used in situations where you feel like the listener has to know about the information; when you’re being considerate towards the listener.