Beginner2> Quiz12


While (Verb-는 동안, -(으)면서), Let’s, Let’s not and Don’t

1 / 11

1. I watched a movie while having popcorn. = 팝콘을 ______ 영화를 봤어요.

2 / 11


Which one is correct in the blank?
설거지를 하_____ 지루한 기분이 들었어요. = I felt bored while washing dishes.

3 / 11

3. Select the correct translation for “While dad was driving, mom slept.”

4 / 11

4. Adjectives cannot be combined with -는 동안 or -(으)면서 when they mean “while~.”

5 / 11

5. Which one is the INCORRECT way to say “Let’s take a rest?”

6 / 11

6. Which one does NOT mean “Let’s not give up.”

7 / 11

7. “커피를 마시지 마요” and “커피를 마시지 말아요” are both correct sentences that mean “Don’t drink coffee.”

8 / 11


Which construction should be used in the blank?
Call mom while I’m outside. = 내가 밖에 있______ 엄마한테 전화해.

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Fill in the blank with the correct form using “걷다” verb.
공원을 _____면서 풍경을 감상했어요. = I took in the scenery while walking in the park.

10 / 11


Fill in the blank using “놀다” verb.
What did you do while I was hanging out with friends? = 내가 친구들이랑 ____ 동안 넌 뭐했니?

11 / 11

11. Select the correct way to say, “Let’s not go there ever again.”

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