Beginner2> Quiz8


그래서, 그러니까, A/V-기 때문에, noun 때문에

1 / 14


Which one sounds the most natural in the blank?
늦___ 미안해요 (I’m sorry to be late)

2 / 14

2. Choose the correct translation for: ‘It’s raining outside so take an umbrella!’

3 / 14

3. I can’t sleep because I didn’t eat dinner. = 저녁을 안 먹어서 잠이 안 와요.

4 / 14

4. It’s cold so dress warmly. = 추워서 따뜻하게 입어요.

5 / 14

5. I am American, so I speak English.  = 저는 미국인____ 영어를 할 줄 알아요.

6 / 14

6. Which one has the same meaning as “영화를 보고 있어서 문자를 못 봤어요.”

7 / 14

7. I am a student so I’m always busy. = 학생이라 항상 바빠요.

8 / 14

8. A: 왜 병원에 가요? (Why are you going to the hospital?)

B: Because I’m sick.

9 / 14


Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
A: 왜 택시를 안 탔어요?
B: Because I don’t have money. = 돈이 ___ 때문이에요.

10 / 14


Fill in the blank with -아/어서 construction.
저는 어제 _____ 학교에 안 갔어요. I didn’t go to school yesterday because I was sick. (to be sick: 아프다)

11 / 14

11. Choose the correct translation for: I’m excited because it is my birthday today!

12 / 14

12. Is the underlined part natural?

A: 이거 너무 비싼데 왜 샀어요?
B: 비싸니까 샀어요. 저는 비싼 게 좋아요.

13 / 14


Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
난 너___ 잠을 못 잤어! (I couldn’t sleep because of you!)

14 / 14

14. Which one is NOT the correct sentence?

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