Intermediate 1 > Lesson 6
Lesson 6. A/V-거든(요)
-거든(요) is a sentence ending that is attached right after a Verb or Adjective. It can have various meanings:
- When -거든(요) means ‘Because’:
It is used to provide information previously unknown to the listener or to provide reason for the sentence it is being attached to.
Ex. 저는 한국 드라마를 자주 봐요. 요즘 한국어를 배우고 있거든요 = I watch Korean drama often, because I’m learning Korean these days.
Ex. – 왜 늦었어? = Why are you late?
– 늦잠을 잤거든… = Because I slept in…
Ex. – 전화 왜 안 받았어요? = Why didn’t you answer your phone?
– 밥을 먹고 있었거든요 = Because I was eating.
Ex. 저는 못 가요. 밖에 비가 오거든요 = I can’t go because it’s raining outside.
- When -거든(요) is a Conversation Opener:
When used in this context, -거든(요) is attached to the first sentence of one’s speech. The sentences that follow are relevant to that first sentence where -거든(요) is used. Often the tone of -거든(요) is raised, almost as if adding a question mark.
Ex. 최근에 집을 샀거든요? 되게 넓어요. = I recently bought a house. It’s very spacious!
Ex. 내가 어제 그 카페에 갔거든? 그런데 우연히 지수를 만난 거 있지! 너무 반가웠어 = I went to that coffee shop yesterday and chanced upon Jisoo! It was so nice to see her.
Ex. 제 친구가 내일 생일이거든요? 파티에 100명쯤 초대했대요 = Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. I hear he has invited around 100 people.
- When -거든(요) is used to express disagreement:
This ending is also commonly used to strongly refute what the other person has said in order to express your disagreement with them.
Ex. – 네가 168cm라고? 더 작은 것 같은데… = You say you’re 168cm tall? But I think you’re shorter than that…
– 168cm 맞거든요! = I am 168cm!
Ex. – 내가 너보다 똑똑해 = I’m smarter than you.
– 아니거든! = No!
Ex. – 그 가수는 그렇게 잘하지 않아요 = That singer isn’t that good.
– 그 가수가 최고거든요! = (I disagree,) He’s the best!