Intermediate1 > Quiz 4


V/A-던, V/A-았/었던

1 / 13

1. Which one DOES NOT mean “This is the book that I finished reading?”

2 / 13

2. Which one most likely means “leftover food?”

3 / 13


Select the most appropriate one in the blank.
Do you want to finish the juice I was drinking?
= 내가 (           ) 주스를 다 마실래?

4 / 13


Which one is correct in the blank?
작년에 매일 이 거리를 (지나가던 / 지나갔던) 여자애가 이제는 보이지 않아요.

5 / 13

5. 이건 어렸을 때 제가 자주 (하던 / 했던) 게임이에요.

6 / 13


He is my neighbor that’s been living next door, but he’s moving out soon.
= 저 분은 옆집에 (살던 / 살았던 / 산) 이웃인데 곧 이사간대요.

7 / 13


Jisoo, what is the country you visited last year?
지수야, 네가 작년에 (갔던 / 가던) 나라가 어디야?

8 / 13

8. Select one Korean sentence that is NOT translated naturally.

9 / 13

9. Which one of “던” has a different usage from the rest?

10 / 13

10. Select the INCORRECT translation of “I have been to Korea before.”

11 / 13


For “This is the song that I listened to every day in high school,” you can use all three in the blanks :
이건 내가 고등학교 때 매일 (듣던 / 들었던 / 들은) 노래야.

12 / 13

12. Select the one INCORRECT sentence.

13 / 13

13. Select the INCORRECT explanation.

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