TOPIK 1 RC & LC Live Class – Review Quiz


TOPIK1 RC&LC Live Class - Review Quiz

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1. Select the correct word in the blank.

When I study for too long, I become tired.
너무 오래 공부하면 (                   ).

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I wasn't interested in Korea before, but now I am.
= 예전에는 한국에 관심이 없었는데 지금은 관심이 (            ).

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I usually walk to work.
= 회사에 주로 (       ) 다녀요.

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Fill in the blank with the most natural 4. particle.
저는 지하철을 타고 다녀요. = 저는 지하철(     ) 다녀요.

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Most people carry their bag with them.
= 대부분의 사람들은 가방을 (               ).

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There's a traffic jam, so I'll be late.
= 길이 (            ) 늦을 거예요.

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Even if you're angry, you shouldn't show it.
화 (      )도 화 (       )면 안 돼요.

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Who caused the accident?
누가 사고 (          )?

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This tastes salty.
= 짠 맛 (         ).

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10. Select one UNNATURAL sentence.

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11. "Did you look into it?"

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You have to be careful.
= (             ) 합니다.

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13. If a receptionist from the information desk asks you "어떻게 오셨어요?" what does it mean?

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14. "It's hard to choose."

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15. It's a movie about war. = 전쟁(          ) 영화예요.

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A: 어떤 음식을 좋아해요?
B: 매운 음식이요. 라면이나 떡볶이(       )요. (listing examples)

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17. Can I ask you about Korean? = 한국어에 (            ) 물어봐도 돼요?

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18. This is a book for foreigners. = 이건 외국인을 (         ) 책이에요.

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What's the most natural translation for "B?"
A: 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
B: I'm gonna rest.

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If you drive when feeling tired, you could get into an accident. (possibility)
= 피곤할 때 운전하면 (                         ).

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21. What's the correct honorific of "뭐하고 있어요?"

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22. "Have you ever written a book?"

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The Quiz is from the lesson below :