Beginner 2 > Lesson 22
Lesson 22. “Even if” (그래도, -아/어도) & “If” (그러면, -(으)면)
The video above covers 그래도, 그러면 and 그러려면. However, there are more details to be covered about 그러려면, so we will learn about 그러려면 separately in another lesson in Beginner 3 Course.
- 그래도:
그래도 is a Sentence connector that is used when you want to say that the fact/condition stated in the first sentence doesn’t affect what’s stated in the next sentence. It can translate as ‘but still’, ‘regard less…’, ‘even if…’.
Sentence 1 (Sub+Obj+Verb) + 그래도 + Sentence 2 (Sub+Obj+Verb)
Ex. 비가 와요. 그래도 기분이 좋아요 = It’s raining. But still I feel good.
Ex. 많이 먹어요. 그래도 배가 안 불러요 = Even if I eat a lot, I’m not full.
그래도 can be changed into a Conjunction, i.e. it can be attached to a verb in a previous sentence to connect two sentences. This is done as follows-
Verb+아/어(Present Conjugation)+도
Ex. 비가 와도 기분이 좋아요 = It’s raining but still I feel good.
Ex. 배가 안 불러도 그만 먹어 = Even if you’re not full, stop eating.
Ex. 우리는 인종이 달라도 서로 사랑해요 = Regard less of our race being different, we still love each other.
Ex. 이 노래는 많이 들어도 질리지 않아요 = Even if I listen to this song many times, I don’t get tired of it.
Ex. 바빠도 와줘서 고마워 = Thank you for coming even if you are busy.
Ex. 감기가 나아도 머리가 아파요 = I got better from the cold but still my head hurts.
Ex. 고양이는 안 씻어도 냄새가 안 나요 = A cat doesn’t smell even if it doesn’t wash up.
‘이다’ (to be) Verb has its own rule when attaching –도to it:
Noun+이어도/여도 or Noun+이라도/라도
Ex. 천재여도 이 문제를 못 풀 거예요 = Even if you’re a genius, you won’t be able to solve this problem.
Ex. 좋은 학생이라도 열심히 공부해야 돼요 = You are a good student but still you must study hard.
- 그러면:
그러면 translates to ‘If… then’. Just like그래도, it is a Sentence connector and can also be changed into a Conjunction. It is used as:
Condition + 그러면 + Result
Ex. 운동해요. 그러면 더 건강해질 거예요 = You should exercise. Then you will become healthier.
Supposition/Imagination + 그러면 + Result
Ex. 매일 한국어를 공부하세요. 그러면 실력이 늘 거예요 = Study Korean every day. Then your skill will improve.
When using 그러면 as a Conjunction:
Verb (Verb’s Stem) + (으)면
Ex. 비가 오면 안 갈 거예요 = If it rains then I won’t go.
Ex. 많이 먹으면 살이 쪄요 = If you eat a lot then you will gain weight.
Ex. 하얀색과 검정색을 섞으면 회색이 돼요 = If you mix black and white colours then it becomes grey.
Ex. 성격이 다르면 자주 싸워요 = If your personality is different, then you fight often.
Ex. 시끄러운 음악을 너무 많이 들으면* 귀에 안 좋아요 = If you listen to a lot of loud music, it’s not good for your ears.
Ex. 서울에 살면* 재미있겠네 = If you live in Seoul, it might be fun.
Ex. 돈을 많이 벌면* 집을 살 거예요 = If I make a lot of money, I will buy a house.
Ex. 추우면* 코트를 입어 = If you are cold, put on a coat.
Ex. 감기가 나으면* 여행가자 = If your cold gets better, then let’s go travelling.
*Exceptions! Irregular Verbs
‘이다’ (to be) Verb has its own rule when attaching -(으)면to it:
– 티켓 가격이 얼마예요? = How much is the ticket?
– 학생이면 1000원이고 성인이면 2000원입니다 = If you are a student then it is 1000 won and if you are an adult then it is 2000 won.
Ex. 막내면 존댓말을 써 = If you are the youngest then use honorific language.