Absolute Beginner> Practice2. Listening & Typing Korean Words

Make sure you have your speaker on, and also the Korean keyboard activated on your device before starting the quiz. You can check this blog post for guidance.


Absolute Beginner> Listening & Dictation

1 / 18

1. Select the Korean word you hear. (All audio repeats TWICE.)

2 / 18

3 / 18

4 / 18

5 / 18

6 / 18

6. Listen to the audio, and type the Korean word you hear.

7 / 18

7. Select the meaning of the Korean word you hear.

8 / 18

9 / 18

10 / 18

10. What is the meaning of the Korean word you hear? (Type in English. If you don’t know, just type the Korean word you hear.)

11 / 18

12 / 18

13 / 18

14 / 18

15 / 18

16 / 18

16. Select the word that does NOT have the same sound as the audio.

17 / 18

17. What is the correct pronunciation of “탐험(exploration)?”

18 / 18

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