Absolute Beginner> Practice2. Listening & Typing Korean Words Make sure you have your speaker on, and also the Korean keyboard activated on your device before starting the quiz. You can check this blog post for guidance. 4448 Absolute Beginner> Listening & Dictation 1 / 18 1. Select the Korean word you hear. (All audio repeats TWICE.) https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-40.m4a 다리 (leg, bridge) 나비 (butterfly) 나무 (tree) 2 / 18 2. Select the word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-12-1.m4a 고 코 꼬 3 / 18 3. Select the Korean word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-13-1.m4a 휴가 (vacation) 휴지 (tissue, toilet paper) 누가 (who) 4 / 18 4. Select the meaning of the word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-14.m4a Korea Korean person Korean language 한국어 : Korean language 한국: Korea 한국인 : Korean person 한국어 : Korean language 한국: Korea 한국인 : Korean person 5 / 18 5. Select the word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-15.m4a 방 팡 빵 6 / 18 6. Listen to the audio, and type the Korean word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-16.m4a Check 파리: 1) a fly 2) Paris 파리: 1) a fly 2) Paris 7 / 18 7. Select the meaning of the Korean word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-17.m4a Book Child Medicine 약: medicine 책: book 아이: a child 약: medicine 책: book 아이: a child 8 / 18 8. Type the Korean phrase you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-18.m4a Check 바빠: I’m busy. 바빠: I’m busy. 9 / 18 9. Select the phrase you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-19.m4a 샀어 쌌어 탔어 샀어 : I bought 쌌어 : It was cheap 탔어 : 1) I got on (a transportation) 2)It got burnt. 샀어 : I bought 쌌어 : It was cheap 탔어 : 1) I got on (a transportation) 2)It got burnt. 10 / 18 10. What is the meaning of the Korean word you hear? (Type in English. If you don’t know, just type the Korean word you hear.) https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-20.m4a Check 우산: umbrella 우산: umbrella 11 / 18 11. Select the Korean word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-21.m4a 옷 (clothes) 못 (can’t, nails) 곧 (soon) 12 / 18 12. What is the CORRECT pronunciation of “좋아” 1) https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-28.m4a 2) https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-29.m4a 1) 2) 좋아 1) I like it 2) It’s good It is pronounced [조아] not [조하] – When ㅇconsonant follows ㅎ 받침, ㅎ받침 does not make any sound and is ignored. 좋아 1) I like it 2) It’s good 13 / 18 13. Select the Korean word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-27.m4a 과장 가자 과자 과자 : snack 과장: 1) exaggeration 2) general manager 가자: let’s go 과자 : snack 과장: 1) exaggeration 2) general manager 가자: let’s go 14 / 18 14. Select the word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-22.m4a 도끼 (axe) 토끼 (rabbit, bunny) 도기 (porcelain) 15 / 18 15. Type the word you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-34-1.m4a Check 침대 means Bed 침대 means Bed 16 / 18 16. Select the word that does NOT have the same sound as the audio. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-39.m4a 왜 외 웨 의 17 / 18 17. What is the correct pronunciation of “탐험(exploration)?” [타멈] [탐멈] [타험] 탐험 [타멈] => When ㅁ 받침 and ㅎconsonant are combined, ㅎ sound gets muted and covered with ㅁ consonant sound instead. 18 / 18 18. Type the Korean phrase you hear. https://explorekorean.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New-Recording-33.m4a Check 고마워요: Thank you 고마워요: Thank you Your score is The average score is 65% Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz ← Previous Absolute Beginner Lesson List Next Lesson →