Beginner 1 > Lesson 20
Lesson 20. 마다, 씩 (every/each)
1. Noun 마다 : every/each noun
*note: It doesn’t mean “every” as in “all,” but as in “each.”
It is used when something happens or is the case for every noun without exceptions.
월요일마다: every Monday
4월마다 : every April
교실마다 : every class
사람마다 : every person
날마다: every day (=매일)
계절마다 : every season
여름마다 : every summer
언어마다 : every language
저는 월요일마다 샐러드를 먹어요. I eat salad every Monday.
한국에서는 4월마다 벚꽃 축제가 열려요. In Korea, they have cherry blossom festival every April.
교실마다 컴퓨터가 한 대 씩 있어요. Every classroom has one computer each.
사람마다 성격이 달라요. Each person has a different personality.
저는 날마다 독서를 해요. I read books every day. (독서하다: to read a book)
계절마다 날씨가 바뀌어요. The weather changes every season.
저는 여름마다 바다에 가요. I go to the beach every summer. (바다: ocean, sea, beach)
언어마다 인사가 달라요. Each language has a different greeting.
운전할 때마다* 안전벨트를 꼭 매세요. Please fasten your seat belt whenever you’re driving.
*Verb+ㄹ/을 때 : When verb-ing (we will learn more about this construction in Lesson in Beginner 2 Course)
운전하다 + ㄹ때 = 운전할 때 : When driving
운전할 때 마다 : Every time you drive, Whenever you drive
2. Time Interval + 마다 : every/each [time interval]
It is used when something happens regularly at specified intervals.
지수는 배가 아픈 가봐요. 1시간마다 화장실에 가요. Jisoo must be having a stomachache. She’s going to the bathroom every hour.
5분마다 알람이 울렸어요. The alarm rang every five minutes.
저희 학교에서는 한 달 마다 시험을 봐요. In our school, we take the test every month.
한국에서는 운전 면허증을 10년마다 갱신해야 돼요. In Korea, you have to renew your driver’s license every 10 years.
3. 씩 : each
씩 is also a particle that translates to “each” or “every,” but it does not have the exact equivalent in English.
The difference between 씩 and 마다 is that 씩 cannot be used after any nouns directly. It is always attached after the amount/length/number of things, people or animals (i.e. Counters) to indicate frequency or allocated amount/time. Also, unlike 마다, it doesn’t indicate the intervals at which something happens. It more indicates the duration of what happens.
교실마다 컴퓨터가 한 대씩 있어요. Every classroom has one computer each. – (allocated amount)
=저는 한국어 공부를 하루에 두 시간씩 해요. I study Korean two hours a day.
학생마다 교과서를 세 권씩 나눠줬어요. I gave out three textbooks for each student. – (allocated amount)
=학생들에게 교과서를 세 권씩 나눠줬어요.
학생에게마다 (X) – 마다 cannot be not used with other particles
저는 1년마다 두 번씩 치과에 가요. I visit the dentist twice every year.- (frequency)
=저는 1년에 두 번씩 치과에 가요. I visit the dentist two times a year.
두 명씩 짝을 지으세요. Make a pair of two (for each group.) – (allotted people)
한 명씩만 도와드릴 수 있어요. I can only help one person (each time.) – (allotted people)
매일 최소한 15 분씩 운동해야 돼요. You have to exercise for at least 15 minutes every day. – (allotted time/duration)