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Beginner 1 > Lesson 23

Lesson 23. How to say “with / and noun” (하고, (이)랑, 와/과)

In today’s lesson, you will learn how to say “with” and “and” using 하고, (이)랑 and 와/과. All these particles are interchangeable, and can mean both “with” or “and”. You can figure out which one it means from the context.

Let’s start with 하고.

  1. Noun 하고 – with / and noun

You add 하고 to a noun to mean «and Noun» or «with Noun».

For example:

친구하고 학교에 함께* 가고 있어요. – I’m going to school with my friend.

오늘 우리는 언니하고 아침을 만들었어요. – I cooked breakfast with my older sister today.

저는 커피하고 차를 좋아해요. – I like both coffee and tea.

우리는 삼겹살하고 김치를 저녁으로 먹었어요. – We ate Korean BBQ and Kimchi for dinner.

제가 가장 좋아하는 과목은 외국어하고 음악이에요. – My favorite school subjects are foreign languages and music.

*함께 or 같이 means “together,” and it is often used together with 하고, (이)랑, and 와/과 when it means “with”


  1. Noun () – with / and noun

You add 이랑 to a noun that ends in a consonant, and to a noun ends in a vowel.

Let’s look at examples:

제 오빠는 배구 농구를 잘 해요. – My older brother is good at volleyball and basketball.

립스틱이랑 마스카라를 살 거예요. – I will buy lipstick and mascara.

핸드폰이랑 열쇠를 잃어버렸어요. – I’ve lost my phone and keys.

채소를 안 좋아하지만 토마토 감자를 가끔 먹어요. – I don’t like vegetables, but sometimes I eat tomatoes and potatoes.

아빠 밥을 같이 먹었어요. – I had a meal with dad.


  1. Noun /– with / and noun

This is the most formal way of saying «and Noun» or «with Noun», and is usually used in writing or formal settings.

You add to a noun ending in a consonant and to a noun ending in a vowel.


A: 어떤 책을 좋아해요? – What books do you like?

B: 저는 소설 추리소설만 읽어요. – I only read fiction and mystery.


우리 같이 밥을 먹을래요? – Would you like to eat with us?

설탕 소금은 건강에 안 좋아요. – Sugar and salt are bad for your health.


※You will also find sentences that use more than two particles among (이)랑, 와/과 and 하고.

저는 가족하고 친구들이랑 생일을 축하했요. – I celebrated my birthday with my family and friends.

In the sentence above,  the noun“가족” is combined with ~하고 and followed by a noun, so the translation will be “Noun and Noun”. 친구들 is combined with ~이랑 and there is no connecting noun after it, so the translation is “with Noun”. 

가장 친한 친구하고 같이 미국 캐나다를 여행하고 싶어요. – I want to travel to the US and Canada with my friend.


[Quick Summary]:

Noun + 하고

Noun + (final consonant) 이랑 / (vowel) 랑

Noun + (final consonant) 과 or / (vowel) 와