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Beginner 2 > Lesson 21

Lesson 21. More Usage of (이)나

(이)나 indicates that the number/amount/level of something is much higher / more than expected or considered normal. It’s usually attached after a counter. 

  • Words ending in a vowel + 나
  • Words ending in a consonant + 이나


오늘 너무 배가 고파서 바나나를 일곱 개나 먹었어요. I was too hungry today, so I had 7 bananas!

친구한테 다섯 번이나 전화했는데 안 받아요. I called my friend 5 times and he’s not answering.

너무 졸려서 낮잠을 네 시간이나 잤어요. I was too sleepy so I napped for four hours. 

엄마를 30분이나 기다렸는데 안 와서 혼자 집에 갔어요. I waited for mom for 30 minutes but she didn’t come, so I went home alone.

제프는 부자라서 차가 세 대나 있어요. Jeff is rich, so he has three cars.

지수네 집에는 개가 많아요. 열 마리나 있어요! There are many dogs in Jisoo’s place. As many as 10!