Beginner2> Quiz6 601 Comparison, Question words 어떤, 무슨, 어느, 얼마, 얼마나 1 / 15 1. Select the correct translation of “I am better at English than Korean.” 저는 영어보다 한국어를 좋아해요. 저는 영어보다 한국어를 잘해요. 저는 한국어보다 영어를 잘해요. 2 / 15 2. Fill in the blank with the correct adverb. Who is taller? = 누가 키가 __ 커요? Check 3 / 15 3. I didn’t eat enough yet. = 아직 __ 먹었어요. 더 덜 많이 4 / 15 4. Which adverb is more natural in the blank? 오늘은 배가 불러서 어제보다 __ 먹었어요. 더 덜 Since I’m full (배가 부르다), it makes more sense to say that I ate “less (덜)” than yesterday. 5 / 15 5. What book do you usually read? = 평소에 ___ 책을 읽어? 뭐 무슨 어느 무슨 + noun = what noun 무슨 책 : what book (뭐 책 is wrong, since 뭐 itself is a noun that means what, and it cannot modify another noun.) 어느 책: which book 6 / 15 6. How do you say, “How much is it?” 얼마예요? 얼마나예요? 얼마나 많아요? 7 / 15 7. What kind of movie do you like? ____ 영화 좋아해요? 어떤 어느 얼마 누구 8 / 15 8. How long did you wait? = ____ 기다렸어요? 어떻게 오래 얼마 얼마나 오래 얼마나 (or 얼마나 오래) 기다렸어요? = How long did you wait? 9 / 15 9. What are TWO ways to translate “Which one do you want to choose?” 어느 것을 고르고 싶어요? 뭐 골랐어요? 어떤 것을 고르고 싶어요? 누구를 고르고 싶어요? 어느 것 and 어떤 것 can be interchangeably used to mean “which one?” 10 / 15 10. How can you say, “What song do you like?” 뭐 좋아해요? 뭐 노래 좋아해요? 무슨 노래 좋아해요? 11 / 15 11. Both 얼마나 먹었어요? and 얼마나 많이 먹었어요? mean “How much did you eat?” True False 12 / 15 12. “호주에서는 12월이 7월보다 따뜻해요.” According to this sentence, which choice is true? In Australia, December is colder than July. In Australia, July is warmer than December. In Australia, July is colder than December. 호주에서는 12월이 7월보다 따뜻해요 = In Australia, December is warmer than July. Which makes “July is colder than December” also true 🙂 13 / 15 13. 평소보다 더 잤어요 and 평소보다 더 오래 잤어요, both of these sentences can mean “I slept longer than I usually do.” True False 14 / 15 14. I want to meet my parents more often. = 부모님을 더 ___ 뵙고 싶어요. [뵙다 is 만나다’s honorific.] Check 15 / 15 15. “고양이는 강아지보다 털이 많아요.” This sentence is wrong because there is no comparative adverb “더.” True False 고양이는 강아지보다 털이 많아요. = 고양이는 강아지보다 털이 더 많아요. (Both are acceptable.) : Cats have more fun than dogs. It is acceptable to omit 더 (or 덜) if it’s followed by an adjective or adverb (많다 is an adjective) and the comparative particle “보다” is already in the sentence . This is because it’s obvious that you’re making comparison and which one is more. Your score is The average score is 77% Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz ← Previous Beginner 2 Lesson List Next Lesson →