Zoom Courses FAQs


Category: FAQs

Absolutely! While the course is designed to assist learners preparing for the TOPIK exam, its benefits are not limited to exam preparation. It’s equally beneficial for anyone interested in improving their Korean grammar and vocabulary skills through reading, listening, and sentence-making exercises.

You’re also welcome to join if you’ve learned all the basic grammar but find it challenging to recall or apply them smoothly in reading, listening, and writing.

Category: FAQs

Recorded playbacks will be available after each class, so there’s no need to worry about missing any sessions. In the previous course, we had a student who couldn’t attend most of the sessions but still caught up by watching the playback lessons and submitted all the assigned homework.

Category: FAQs

Please check the “Suitable Level” in the description above.

Category: FAQs

As of now, I have designed three courses :

#1. Mid-Beginner Course (based on TOPIK1) – 280 USD

#2. High-Beginner Course (based on TOPIK1, with a mixture of TOPIK2) – 290 USD

#3. Intermediate Course (based on TOPIK2) – 300 USD

Course #2 is currently open for enrollment, and after it’s completed, Course #3 will open.